Tuesday, March 4, 2008

concieving Concepción

After Santiago and a failed attempt to hook up with some friends south of there we decided to head off to the college town of Concepción, Chile on a whim to kill a little time before Christine´s bday. There wasn´t a whole lot to do there except go out and drink at night, which we certainly did, although, somehow we kept accedentally choosing the karaoke bars instead of the ones with live music (they had cheaper drinks anyway!). The last night was the best when we stumbled upon an amazing jazz show featuring a trumpet player who played a Chilean version of ´Summertime´with a huge wine glass to muffle the sound. Very cool!

The highlight of the whole town was definitely the museum at the Universidad de Concepción. It featured a huge mural painted in the 60´s by Mexican muralist José Orozco, a contemporary of Diego Rivera. The theme of the mural is ¨América Latina en todo¨ so basically tracking LA culture form México to Chile. It was REALLY COOL. A Latin American Studies student´s fantasy. The whole story of a culture told in a single intricate image (a lot like One Hundred Years of Solitude did in literature).

pictures soon!

1 comment:

Tabby said...

Sweet! I saw Orozco's work in Guadalajara & La Ciudad de Mexico last summer. The style seems a bit different, but he always seems to use that shade of red as a base color.. I was actually just looking through some of my Mexico pics & saw one I took of El Hombre de Fuego (known as his best!) which he called the supreme metaphor of humanity. Ok, I'll stop nerding out.. =) I just got excited. Jacob, it is so cool that you're traveling about getting in the middle of protests, taking amazing photos, seeing all kinds of crazy things, and all that jazz.. And you've got to be a pro con espanol ahora, tambien!

Cuando estaras regresar a Austin?

Te extrano! Hasta en Augusto. Abrazos!
